How do I reserve the Stone Horse Green?
No portion of Stone Horse Green may be reserved for private use or for events that exclude the general public. However, the City encourages birthday parties and other similar celebrations on a first-come, first-served basis! You may wish to bring your own folding tables and chairs in case the general public has use all of the available seating. If you're wondering whether there is an event organized by the City that may interfere with your gathering, check the Events page to see what else is scheduled on that day!
How can I suggest a performance or event for the Stone Horse Green that can be advertised to the public?
Because of the unique nature of Stone Horse Green, use of Stone Horse Green shall be overseen by the Community Development Authority. All public events at the Stone Horse Green must by organized by, or in partnership with, a City of Middleton Department, Board, Commission, or Committee. We are open to suggestions for performances and events from the public, this is intended to be a community space that supports a wide range of programming types! Contact us with any suggestions.
What are the hours of operation?
The normal hours of operation are 5:00am - 10:00pm. Except as permitted by special events, no person may enter Stone Horse Green during closed hours.
Is alcohol allowed?
Alcoholic beverages are permitted, but glass containers are prohibited.
Are pets allowed?
Aside from service animals, people are not permitted to bring animals to the Stone Horse Green. The grass area is small and guests enjoy picnicking on blankets in the space which is not conducive to allowing pets on the grass.
Is posting a sign or notice allowed?
Not unless authorized by the City.
Is smoking allowed?
Can I make a fire in the cauldron or use a personal grill?
Not unless authorized by the City.
Any other questions?
Please contact City staff.